Young stock show cancelled
The show scheduled for January 2025 has unfortunately had to be cancelled due to avian influenza restrictions.
Previous show downloads are HERE

Horncastle Spring Show 2024 – Stuart Kay and Richard Bett holding the Reserve Champion Sultan and Champion, a Blue German Langshan.
Autumn Show at Stickney, 29th October 2023 results
BEST IN SHOW – Josh Charles, white Wyandotte bantam
Full results HERE
DEFRA lifts bird gatherings ban from today; 23 August 2023, England only.
Shows in England will be allowed from today, but as this announcement has come so late in the year it is difficult to say right now whether anyone will have time to organise any shows before the ban comes back, which it usually does in early November. Ducks and geese are still banned.
Official DEFRA page:
November 2022
The avian influenza prevention zone (AIPZ) including mandatory biosecurity measures is no longer in force in England.
An announcement from Terry Marshall, Vice Chairman
Date: 1st February 2022
It has been a turbulent couple of years for most people within the Poultry fraternity, suffering a double whammy with the Covid 19 Pandemic, and now the Avian Flu is back again.
It is most important that all of us, who love our Poultry and our showing, give each other and our Club as much as support as we can. Things will get better!
As you will all know, the Young Stock show we hold in January had to be cancelled due to the Avian Bird Flu. We have managed to book Stanhope Hall, Horncastle for our main Spring Show. It will be held on the Sunday 24″ April 2022, which is much later than usual in the hope the Avian Flu restrictions will be lifted by then. This is a very Special Show which incorporates the Rare Breeds Show.
We would love to see entries from members and non members alike. A little prize money sponsorship has been obtained for this show, so there will be £30 for Best Rare Breed and £20 for Reserve Rare Breed. Main show will also have £30 for Best in Show, £20 for Reserve Best in Show, plus £10 for each winner on Championship Row and £10 for Best Pair/Goose/Turkey.
Terry Marshall
Vice Chairman
East of England Poultry Club
The next meeting is the AGM in March at the Revesby Village Hall, Revesby, Boston, PE22 7NA. Click the link below to see the original Vice Chairman’s letter.
If you wish to stand for committee, you can download a nomination form from the link below. Send your form to the Vice Chairman, or bring it to the AGM.
Terry Marshall
Vice Chairman, East of England Poultry Club
4 Beck Close
DN41 8SB
Horncastle Autumn Show Results
Latest on bird flu: