2019 Woodhall Spa Show

The weather was good for the Woodhall Spa Show, not too hot for the birds in the tent. There were 129 entries of chickens & ducks, with over 70 plates of eggs, which were of a good standard.
The Champion was declared by midday, which was a Serama, the smallest chicken breed in the world, which later competed in the main ring to be judged for the Champion of Champions, along with the Limousine cow, Beltex sheep and the Welsh pony in the carriage driving class.  The winner was the Beltex sheep.

Champion was a Serama bantam entered by Bill Jordan from Gainsborough.

Best rare Breed was a Yokohama male from C. Watts at Old Leake.

Best Juvenile was his son Ronnie Watts with an Ohiki female.

Reserve Champion was an Old English Game bantam shown by Josh Charles from Leicester.
Best Large Soft Feather was a Rhode Island Red shown by C. Newton.
Best bantam Soft Feather was an Australorp shown by R. Mallison also from Leicester.
Best Waterfowl was a Call drake shown by Mrs. Forrester from Gainsborough.
Best Large Game was an Oxford Old English Game shown by R. Mallison.
Best Eggs were 3 white eggs shown by Roderick & Peacock from Northampton.